May 16th, 2024 – UCL – Wellington Clinical Fellow Awarded 1st Place at ICS PhD Symposium

Dr Ahmed Chilmeran, a UCL-Wellington Clinical Research Fellow at The Hatter Cardiovascular Institute, has recently been award 1st place at the PhD Symposium held by the Institute of Cardiovascular Science, UCL. This symposium was an opportunity for all PhD candidates across the ICS to present their research work to peers and senior research teams. Dr Chilmeran presented his thesis titled “1938: The Code to Saving Hearts” which examines the role of compound 1938, a PI3Ka agonist, in cardioprotection from ischeamia reperfusion injury.

Following this award, Dr Chilmeran was invited to present to the Faculty Level competition for Population Health Sciences. While he did not win in this competition, he was able to further present his work to a broader scientific community.

Well done Ahmed!